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Pan-Afrikans Back To The Roots - Tour, Relocation, Restoration of Lost Citizenship & Investment

Pan-Afrikans Back To The Roots initiatives was established in 2016 to organize and encourage the Afrikan-Americans, Barbadeans, Caribbeans, Brazilians, Jamaicans who are the descendants of the enslaved Afrikans ancestors to return to and reclaim Afrika (Alkebulan), hence to regain their citizenship in Afrika after 400 years of Trans-Atlantic slavery. Through this initiative, we plan arrange tours, relocation restore their citizenships and investment opportunities that will encourage them, provided there will be facilities such as, accommodation, recreation center, health and medical care, businesses, etc.

Mission Statement

At Pan-Afrikan Back To The Roots, our mission is to provide unique, exciting and safe adventure experiences that cater to thrill seeker's desire for explorationand discovery

We are commited to delivering top-notch services thatexceeded expectations, adhering to the highest standards of safety, integrity, and customer satisfaction.


2024 Pan-Afrikans Back To The Roots Tour, Relocation, Restoration of Lost Identity and Investment

We plan to organize about 500 Afro- Amerikans, Barbadeans, Brazilians, Caribbeans, Jamaicans which include celebrities in the entertainment industry, business men and women,, financial experts, and students for this year's Olojo festival and to participate in business opportunities seminars and workshops in order to identify their areas of business interest.

As we promote this year's program, we are advertising the real estate investment along with other programs.for them to consider and to own as their first home on the motherland, to be precise, in Ile-Ife. The plan is to build and provide 100 units of two (2) to (5) Bedrooms fully furnished homes with shopping mall, movie thearter, sport center, parks, within the community (Omowale City, Ile-Ife) with adequate roads network to and fro their residence. Their residence must be accessible to the airport (international) this willt be within 30 minutes drive and will also be in Ile-Ife.                                                                                                                                                                                              






General Questions

  • What Olojo event is observed every year?

    Every year, people celebrate the Olojo Festival as a spiritual affirmation that God created the universe and left the building blocks of creation at Ile-Ife. It honors the beginning of the contemporary human species and its subsequent growth.

  • Why is the city of Ile Ife significant to humanity?

    On the basis of a compendium of historical data, empirical evidence, and scientific findings, the ancient city of Ile-Ife is frequently referred to as the birthplace of humanity. The myth of the Yoruba people celebrates Ile-Ife as the birthplace of all humanity.

  • What resemblance does Yoruba Ase have to Amen?

    The term "Ase" is similar to the word "Amen" that we most frequently use in America to offer affirmation at the conclusion of a prayer or spiritual proclamation. It means "Thus let it be/May it be so." From the start, it incorporates mankind and its shared ideals.

  • How much does Aare Crown weigh, and what significance does it have?

    According to legend, the "Aare Crown" weighs about 132 pounds. Although The Ooni of Ife is spiritually authorized to put on the crown during the Olojo Festival, it is thought to be quite weighty spiritually. The "Aare Crown" comprises 151 components and is incredibly colorful, like a rainbow

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