
ABOUT Agriculture


Agricultural Investment Projects

Ile-Ife is a major collecting point for cocoa and cotton grown in the surrounding area. Palm oil and kernels, yams, cassava (manioc), corn (maize), pumpkins, and kola nuts are cultivated for local markets. Ile-Ife's inhabitants are primarily town-dwelling farmers.

Investing in agriculture is highly lucrative for people looking to make benefits and support the agricultural sector in Ile-Ife. The soil is highly compatible with growing some of the most premium products on the African continent.

Due to the high nutrition quality of the food products and their special exotic tastes, The demand for Afrikan kola nuts, cassava, corn, and yams is high in the European market. Your investments will pay you handsomely for your investment in agriculture projects in Ile-Ife.

Hence do not miss the chance to be part of this noble venture and build a strong agricultural community in the land of originals. Your investments will help create new employment in the city and help enhance the economic growth of the area. It is a golden opportunity for you to recreate the golden civilization again with your small efforts.